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One of the joys of a wedding on the ‘Island of Love’ is that you can chose exactly the service you would like to make your ceremony perfect.

Please find below the procedure, documents and legal requirements in order to get married in Cyprus for each type of service whether a Civil Wedding or Church Wedding.


Please rest assured that whichever service you choose we will organise all the arrangements for your ceremony as part of our service.

For all weddings it is a requirement that you are in Cyprus for a minimum of three working days (not including weekends or Cyprus public bank holidays and the day of arrival).


Paperwork Required:

  1. Valid 10 year Passports (originals)

  2. Full Birth Certificates (originals)

  3. If you are of British nationality and are single an Affidavit/Statutory Declaration (example attached) on Letter Headed Paper from a solicitor of your country confirming that you are Single and Free to get married is required.


The Affidavit/Statutory Declaration must state your Full Name as per your passport and Passport Number. It must be stamped by the solicitor’s stamp which must show the name, address and word ‘Solicitor’. If this is not possible please attach a business card of the solicitor.

This Affidavit / Statutory Declaration is only valid for up to a 3 months therefore you will be required to make an appointment with your Notary or Solicitor approximately 6 weeks prior to arrival.

Click the PDF for an example of the Affidavit/Statutory Declaration required if you live in the UK

  1. If you are divorced then you must bring the original Divorce Certificate, Decree Absolute, plus an Affidavit/Statutory Declaration as above in Paragraph c) however stating that you a ‘Divorced’ and Free to marry.

  2. If you are a widow / widower you must bring the original Death Certificate plus an Affidavit/Statutory Declaration as above in Paragraph c) however stating that you a ‘Widow/Widower’ and Free to marry.

  3. If you are under the age of 18 years then you must also bring a consent from a father or guardian which must be certified as True by a solicitor of your country.

  4. If either party has changed their name so it is different from your birth certificate please inform With This Ring so we can advise of the correct paperwork to bring with you.

  5. Passport copies of 2 witnesses over the age of 18 years must be provided.


With This Ring will organise booking your date in advance however when you arrive in Cyprus it is a legal requirement for both to visit to Municipality and complete the forms necessary in person for the Wedding Licence. Sheri or I will personally take you to do the paperwork; this has to be done Monday to Friday between 08.30hrs and 10.00hrs.



Fees for the Special Marriage Licence is €281.92 (Euro). Special marriage means marriage within one or two days after the submission of your application.

Usual Marriage Licence is €128.15 (Euro). Usual Marriage is a marriage performed at least 15 days after the submission of your application.

The Municipality undertakes conduct of wedding ceremonies at its discretion in public and private venues, indoors and outdoors, within the boundaries of its jurisdiction. Each application will be examined and confirmed.

A Civil ceremony will be officiated by a representative of the Civil Council of the Municipality of Paphos.


Paperwork Required

The Anglican Church requires the same documents required for a Civil Ceremony stated above plus the below:

  1. The Anglican Church will send you a Wedding Registration Form via email once you have booked the date and time of your wedding and this needs to be completed by you both. Also copies of your two witnesses over the age of 18 years.

  2. Once you arrive in resort you will be asked to attend a meeting with the Church, date and time will be given to you via With This Ring. This is a chance for you to meet Reverend Andrew or Reverend Ken and your two wedding vergers. At this time you can discuss your choice of songs/hymns and readings.  



Fees for the Special Marriage Licence is €281.92 (Euro). Special marriage means marriage within one or two days after the submission of your application.

You pay the Church fees directly. In order to secure a wedding date and time a non-refundable deposit of €350.00 is required. The total fee is €700.00. Please note this is the fee for a Church ceremony in Ayia Kyriaki at any other venue ie hotel, beach, exclusive venues however for St Nicholas Chapel and Panagia Odigitria there is a further charge of €200.00 by the Bishiopric. The Anglican wedding coordinator can organise this payment on your behalf. 


Please note: A civil ceremony must precede a Catholic Ceremony. This is a legal requirement for you to have a civil ceremony in the Town Hall both the couple and the witnesses must be present.

Paperwork Required:

The Catholic Church requires the same documents required for a Civil Ceremony stated above plus the below:

  1. To book an appointment at least 6 months prior to the wedding with your Parish Priest to get his agreement to your wedding abroad.

  2. Contract the Catholic Paphos Parish to pre-arrange a proposed wedding date and time.

  3. The Priest will complete a pre-nuptial enquiry form and will collect the necessary paperwork from the couple via With This Ring.

  4. The Diocese of Jerusalem, in common with most diocese, requires that you do a pre-marriage course and that the Priest includes a letter or certificate that you have done such a course in the marriage papers.

  5. Once completed the Priest sends this documents to his diocesan bishop asking for the wedding to be celebrated outside his diocese here at Ayia Kyriaki, Paphos. If the bishop agrees the forms are sent to our Vicar General here in Cyprus who then gives Catholic Church permission to go ahead with the marriage.

  6. Only at this time will the Church confirm the booking.

  7. The papers need to be at the home diocese at least 3 months prior to the wedding, so should arrive in Cyprus at least 2 months prior to the wedding.

  8. Catholic wedding services in Cyprus follow the Roman Catholic Rite of Marriage outside of the Mass. (Please note that if using UK version the wording here is different and is that of the Roman Ritual). (If Nuptial Mass is requested a special arrangement needs to be made).

  9. Readings must come only from the lectionary, the section “Sacrament of Marriage”.

  10. Music for Ayia Kyriaki is only organ music. In St George’s Chapel and other Chapels there is the use of CD’s however this must be of Church music only.



Fees for the Special Marriage Licence is €281.92 (Euro). Special marriage means marriage within one or two days after the submission of your application.

You pay the Church fees directly. In order to secure a wedding date and time and the total fee is €650.00.

© Copyright 2021 AS With This Ring Cyprus. We present the information in this website in good faith, however as policies, prices, dates, conditions and information can continually change, we reserve the right to change information and prices contained within at any time without notice and make no warranties or representations to its accuracy.  Site Design - Revin Social Media

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